Friday, March 12, 2010

People who came here to see my blog ...

This is the cover of upcoming book on Class Caste Relations - Marxist Approach
please comment on the writeup of the back page.
(to read the coment please click on the cover picture)



  1. এই বিষয়ে আরও বইপত্তর লেখা লিখি থাকা দরকার। আশা করব এই বইটির সংস্করণের ক্রমসংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি পাবে গুনত্তোর প্রগতিতে

  2. There r 3 ways to fix Casteism in India.
    1. 85% of all marriages should be Inter-Caste
    2. Carry a licensed Pistol
    3. Buy a separate nation for your community

  3. 1st point seems rational, but others are funny..

    CLASS CASTE RELATIONS-MARXIST APPROACH,first english publication of DAFODWAM[DEMOCRATIC ACTION FORUM OF DALITS, WOMEN AND MINORITIES] is just published..available at world view[jadabpur university campus], book mark, new horizon book trust, book stalls near bbd bag telephone bhaban... For more call [0]9331858854... DAFODWAM-30-2 NP RD ..KOLKATA-55
    Class Caste Relations
    Marxist Approach
    a DAFODWAM Presentation.
    (Democratic Action Forum Of Dalits, Women And Minorites)
    DAFODWAM thinks that India is a de facto upper caste Hindu state and Brahmanism derived from Manu Sanghita is still the guiding philosophy of Indian rulling classes. Untill the abolition of caste system and discrimination based on gender and religious community there is no chance of victory of class struggle, in whatever form. And this book will help those people who are trying to build up a real democratic India free from caste discrimination and caste division

  5. ////Mahadiga@Gmail.Com said...

    There r 3 ways to fix Casteism in India.
    1. 85% of all marriages should be Inter-Caste////////

    ////ananta of dafodwam said...

    1st point seems rational, but others//////

    1st point also very hard still in this 21st century!
    its very hard to find a rational girl who abjures caste character and Hinduism! and also its hard to convince parents!

  6. Casteism is probably the most effective problem of our country, for this to stop the bigest step can be the increase of literacy rate.

  7. HI DADA..,
    the cover is gud..,
    in my view.,the only way to fix castism is to remove the reservation policy(may be after 10.,20.,30yrs or like that).,i am not against reservation .,but this reservation encourages 2 mention the caste through out our life.,so if we remove this.,there wont be any subject of caste.,but i dont think this is a gud idea bcas some backward people may be affected by this.,
    what i observed is....,
    even with in a group.,
    for example:if we take backward class people...,some bc community is enjoying major share of reservation than other one that blongs so same class....,and also the creamy layer njoying these reservations.....,
    in an anxiety 2 give my views....,i may give some wrong statements.,i am ready 2 correct if u suggest..,what u say???

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think castism and racism is not more than a instrument for the ruling classes to divide public to rule them.
    We should unite every casts of workers and peasants and intellectuals to work for building a society with real equality, without personal property and then all the castes, religions and other divisions of the people will disappear itself.
    Give your views on :

  10. i m an activist of DAFODWAM[Democratic Action Forum Of Dalits, Women And Minorities]... IT is better to read our just published book- CLASS CASTE RELATIONS- MARXIST APPROACH from where u can understand me.... mail - dafodwam@gmai

  11. could you please tell me more about above mentioned book.
